1967 BG-91 Pink Floyd Big Brother Janis Joplin Fillmore & Winterland Poster CGC 9.8

closed on Thursday, January 16, 2025

Final Auction Price
*Final prices include buyers premium
Starting bid: $10.00

We don't see this issue nearly often enough. This popular Bill Graham original poster has it all; two world-class performers: Janis Joplin with Big Brother and Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd! This example is an original first printing with CGC grading in High-Quality Condition! It's posters such as this, featuring legendary bands, and legendary concert venues - in beautiful condition - that has collectors so excited!

--TITLE: BG-91 Poster
--GRADE: 9.8
--PERFORMERS: Pink Floyd, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Richie Havens
--VENUE: Fillmore Auditorium & Winterland
--CITY: San Francisco
--DATE: 11/02/67
--PRINTING: OP-1; Original Pre-Concert First Printing Poster
--SIZE: 14.06 x 21.09


A 20% Buyers Premium will be added to the final hammer price of this lot. 
High resolution HD photos available on request. 
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