1968 Jefferson Airplane Texas Summer Tour Poster Extra Fine 61

closed on Thursday, January 16, 2025

Final Auction Price
*Final prices include buyers premium
Starting bid: $10.00

This scarce issue was produced for Jefferson Airplane's 1968 tour of Texas. It features the same iconic image of the band that appeared on the cover of their 1966 debut album, "Surrealistic Pillow", a photograph taken by Herb Greene. This is quite a rare item to come by, and it has never appeared in our auction until now. Don't pass it up!


Condition: Pinholes, heavy creasing, folding, stapleholes.


--TITLE: Jefferson Airplane Texas Summer Tour Poster
--GRADE: Extra Fine 61
--DATE: 1968
--SIZE: 17.5 x 23
--PRINTING: Original First Printing Poster

A 20% Buyers Premium will be added to the final hammer price of this lot. 
High resolution HD photos available on request. 
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